Freeflow Incubation Application

FreeFlow is an Incubator and Accelerator for Startups and Amongst the only Venture builders in the country that have been successfully funding start-ups. It’s a government-affiliated body, a nationally accredited partner of Invest India, and were the primary partners and facilitators at the Startup India Yatra in 21 states and spanning more than 60000 ideas and startups during this government initiative in 2019.

Describe your idea in less than 500 characters
Describe Problems you are solving in less than 500 characters
Describe Solutions identified in less than 500 characters
Describe Current / Planned Revenue Streams in less than 500 characters

We are proud of our Startups

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405, OFFBEAT CCU, 36/F Topsia Road ( Beside E.M Bypass Road, Near Science City ), Topsia, Kolkata: 700039